[AMA & GIVEAWAY] 607's 18th Birthday Anniversary

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by 607, Apr 28, 2017.


Do you like to celebrate your birthday in some way involving friends or family? (EMC counts!)

Yes. 17 vote(s) 94.4%
No. 1 vote(s) 5.6%
  1. This is now closed! :)

    Hi, it's me again!

    It's my 18th birthday today! :D Or at least, it will be when I post this; I'm writing this ahead of time. But hey... won't it be my 19th birthday? April 28th 1999, when I was born, might be considered by day of birth, so my birthday... Thus April 28th 2000 was my second birthday, and today is my 19th. :p Let's put it this way: it's been 18 years since I was born. That's a good bit of time! :o

    I didn't really feel like organising a party for friends: I'm not really good at those sorts of things; we've already had quite some parties in the past 3 months; and most of us are busy studying for our exams, as well.
    But hey, I wouldn't mind celebrating online! :D

    Alright, now how should I index this... perhaps I'll just write whatever comes up. :p

    First off, a simple giveaway. Pick a number between 1 and 100 (this reminds me of a certain prior project :eek:). In the second post of this thread, there will be a list listing (because what else does a list do?) the numbers, with any potential names attached to it. Please pick a number that hasn't been picked by anyone else! ;)
    When I've ended the giveaway - when will I? Not sure yet - I'll use my TI to select a random number, until one gets returned that's got a name attached to it. It'll be a good practice for Piwi Day 2017, which is also coming up!
    The person whose number got selected by my TI will receive 100,000 rupees. That might not be a whole lot to some, but I think it's a nice sum. I'll save the rest of my rupees for other occasions.

    But there's more! (I'm writing this sentence so I can use the yellow from the preset colours in the rich text editor without giving people eyestrain through reading long paragraphs in that colour :rolleyes:)

    Ask me Anything
    I held an AMA last Summer, when I unintentionally set a complete trend in motion, but I wouldn't mind doing another one. People might've got new questions in store for me, and else, I wouldn't mind answering the same questions again. :p
    'Anything' means you can ask anything, but it doesn't mean there's no incentive for asking good questions.
    Every person asking a question I appreciate will receive a stable voucher - as long as supply lasts. I never use stables anyway, and I prefer vault vouchers to look at. So hey, I might as well do something with them. A little hint: I prefer personal questions. And no, to me, 'How much wood could a wood-chuck chuck if a wood-chuck could chuck wood' isn't a personal question. But generally, it shouldn't be a problem asking 'anything', and else, I'll notify you, and you can perhaps think of another question. :) Of course, there's only one stable voucher per person, here.
    But again, there's more! At the end of the event, when I'm also ending the giveaway, I'll select 3 questions I particularly enjoyed answering. And if I didn't enjoy three, I'll pick the ones I least disliked answering. :P It's no problem if you ask more than one question, but I will only select one question per person at maximum. If I picked one of your questions, you will receive a Sharpshooter.

    Clear? Get it on, then!! :cool:
    Equinox_Boss, AyanamiKun and Sachrock like this.
  2. Merry birthday, hope it's a good one! :)
    What's the story behind the name "607"?
    Oh, and 67 :p

    [EDIT] Sniped your second post spot, fear me >:]
    haastregt and 607 like this.

  3. 1.
    5. mjnoe70
    6. ExExUnderscore
    7. Skeletin007
    13. WardleDeBoss
    17. Sachrock
    18. nltimv
    19. haastregt
    22. jossytheninja
    25. Mob_Meal
    27. FalloutHood55
    28. padde73
    29. AliceTheBab
    33. ToastFTW
    40. AdinD
    42. AncientTower
    46. X_Glitch_X
    49. FWRonald
    54. TuqDufRhySmp8
    55. Raaynn
    64. Will_McNab
    67. Doorfne
    68. Jelle68
    69. ShyguytheGamer1
    73. OhBoy3AM
    84. K_Kick
    TuqDufRhySmp8 likes this.
  4. 54
    What do Piwi's eat?
  5. That's a question I won't answer unless we're married or something. ;) Sorry!
    (Edit:excluding smp8 marriage! ;))
    I'll assign you the number; it'd be nice if you could ask another question, but else I'll give you the vault stable voucher anyway, as the question was good, I simply won't answer it. :p

    Oh, and could you please remove your post, to make the thread look nicer? :3 I'm still half asleep, alright? :rolleyes:
    AliceTheBab likes this.
  6. Hm... Nothing, I think. I mean, Piwi's a plush, after all... and generally speaking, they don't consume food. Is that a satisfactory answer? :)
  7. Happy birthday!! :D
    I'd like number 22

    What was your favorite birthday gift you've ever received?
    607 likes this.
  8. Happy Birthday!!!!!
    I would like....33!

    Now, wat is ur favorite mythical animal?

    A) Unicorn
    B) Pegasus
    C) Phoenix
    D) Platupus (its not mythical, but it should be)
    F) Well, you like a separate one
  9. Happy birthday and thank you very much for the giveaway! I'd like 73 please :) How did you find EMC?
  10. Thanks!
    I do really like that question!
    The week I got 16, we had some special kind of project at our school. At Friday, we got to know three friends and me had created the winning submission to creating a video about induction and deduction. So that was great! But afterwards, another amazing surprise got added to it: completely without my knowledge, a group of friends had bought me an N64!! It was completely unexpected, and totally awesome. One of the friends had an N64 at home and I had expressed my wishes to play it once, months before, and she had not forgotten! So that was really amazing. ^.^ It was complete in the box, including cables, controller, Super Mario 64, posters, everything!!
    Hm... That's a difficult one, I don't care a lot about mythical animals, I think. I like dolphins, which appear in myths from time to time, but they aren't quite mythical, as they exist in our world.
    I'm not sure, actually! But if it'd be a test and I'd have to pick: let's go with B.

    I was creating custom achievements with the Minecraft achievement generator, for my brother's Minecraft world. I'm not sure if you've seen it, but 4-5 years ago, there were a lot of pictures of Minecraft-style achievements around the web. This service let you pick a Minecraft icon, and write a title and description.
    So, I was using that, and then wanted to go back to the homepage of the achievement generator. So I clicked the icon in the top left corner... and ended up here! As it turned out, EmpireMinecraft was affiliated with that website. Initially, I thought "No, this isn't where I should be", but then the post about the New Year's Promo (the first ever promo on EMC!) caught my eye, which seemed really interesting. I checked out some other things and created an account. However, I thought I wouldn't be able to play, as I always played on snapshots. However, not long afterwards, I accidentally downgraded to 1.4, and then I decided to log on!
    Those two misclicks, were probably the best misclicks of my life! :)
    Mob_Meal and jossytheninja like this.
  11. Awesome! :D
    607 likes this.
  12. Happy Birthday and Thanks for the giveaway!
    Number 17 please :)
    What's your biggest accomplishment​ on EMC?
    607 likes this.
  13. Thanks!
    Being first on the highest posting members list, I think. :) I do enjoy that.
    And I'm going to go for another accomplishment: having started the longest thread in EMC history. smp7 jungle outpost: Counting with Pictures is coming! :cool:
    mjnoe70, jossytheninja and Sachrock like this.
  14. Happy 18th birthday!
    28 please :)

    What's your favorite EMC event?
    607 likes this.
  15. Thanks!

    Hm... should it be a recurring event? Of those, I've only been able to make Krysyy's firefloor.
    My favourite event ever, was Christmas in 2014. At least, I think it was in 2014? I haven't got the thread saved anywhere, I'm afraid.
    I don't recall who organised it, but there was a big christmas tree with chests under it; you could request a chest for a certain person, and put things in it. I requested a chest for Alice, and one for my IRL friend born_ego. After the gift opening, we had dinner at a big table. I had a lot of fun!
    That was the only time when born_ego interacted with Alice, I think, and I quite enjoyed that, as they seemed to be able to get along well. :)
    padde73 likes this.
  16. Happy birthday Sixx!
    And Im already mentioned in an answer before I see the thread! :eek:

    Hmm... What would be your perfect birthday cake?
    Could I have number 29 please? :D
    607 likes this.
  17. I feel lucky for 69.

    Why did you choose that odd name?
  18. Thanks, Alice! :D

    That's an interesting question, although I didn't know how to answer it at first.
    I used to always get strawberry cheesecake, which I really liked.
    But then I discovered Mon Chou, which is amazing, and from then on I let my mother make that.
    I had already had Mon Chou last weekend, though, at another anniversary, so I decided to get back to my roots and my mother made strawberry cheesecake once again!

    Could either of those cakes be considered 'perfect', though? I'm not sure... Perhaps, to truly answer that question, we would have to get a little too philosophical. ;)
    AliceTheBab likes this.
  19. Sure, you can have 69!
    Rhy already asked that question, though, so if you want to have a chance at the stable voucher and sharpshooter, you'll have to ask another question. :)
  20. Happy B-Day 607!!!!


    1. What is the best kind of chocolate?
    2.pancakes or waffles?
    3.Which smp is the best(not including utopia)?
    607 likes this.